At Sussex Pathology we are always growing and always hiring. We love talented and motivated people. If you’d like to work with us, we would be very happy to have a chat. Here is a list of currently open vacancies.

Medical and Clinical diagnostics vacancies

Laboratory managers and technicians

Would you like to run your own lab? If so, get in touch. We offer flexible working hours, as much remote access as possible, exciting projects and very rewarding packages to make sure the lab you look after produces accurate and reliable results for our patients.

Perhaps you are just out of university and would like to get your career going in a diagnostics laboratory setting? Or maybe you an experienced lab technician or manager looking to supercharge your career? Apply here.

Office managers

We have a number of openings for support staff at our locations. There are laboratories, packaging locations, sample pick up/drop off projects, home nurse visits, walk-in clinics and a myriad other projects that we need full-time help on. Apply here.